International Medical Geology Association
International books
Medical Geology: Impacts of the Natural Environment on Edited by Read here: ‘’Medical Geology: Impacts of the Natural Environment on
Proceedings of The First International Student Conference on Medical Geology and Environmental Health Latin America, 18th to 20th October 2021, Virtually. International Student Conference MGEH. LA Edition
Doctor Stone in the World of Medical Geology |
Essentials of Medical Geology Revised Edition Editors: Olle Selinus ISBN: 978-94-007-4374-8 (Print) 978-94-007-4375-5 (Online) 2013, Springer Netherlands |
Medical Geochemistry Geological Materials and Health Censi, Paolo; Darrah, Thomas; Erel, Yigal (Eds.) 2013, VIII, 194 p. 58 illus., 27 illus. in color. Members of IMGA contribute with chapters |
Medical Geology - A Regional Synthesis 2010. Editors: O. Selinus, R.B. Finkelman, J.A Centeno Springer Science+Business Media Series: International Year of Planet Earth
Buy it from Springer or read online |
Man and the Geosphere 2010. Editor: I.V. Florinsky Nova Science Publishers, New York Series: Earth Science in the 21st CenturyHumankind is under the permanent influence of the geological environment. Roles of some geological biotropic factors, such as volcanic explosions, strong earthquakes, and geochemical anomalies, have been well studied. Little is known about biotropic effects of the Earth’s fluid degassing, geomagnetic activity, natural background radiation, fluid migration and gas emission within fault zones, mild seismicity, cyclicity of tectonic and climatic processes, etc. This book is the first attempt to synthesize the interdisciplinary knowledge on all geogenic factors influencing humans, society, and civilization.Buy it from Nova Publishers |
Introduction to Medical Geology 2010. Editor: I.V. Florinsky Nova Science Publishers, New York Series: Erlangen Earth Conference SeriesOver two billion people live in tropical lands. Most of them live in intimate contact with the immediate geological environment, obtaining their food and water directly from it. The unique geochemistry of these tropical environments have a marked influence on their health, giving rise to diseases that affect millions of people. The origin of these diseases is geologic as exemplified by dental and skeletal fluorosis, iodine deficiency disorders, trace element imbalances to name a few. This book, one of the first of its kind, serves as an excellent introduction to the emerging discipline of Medical Geology.Buy it from Springer or read online |
Earth Materials and Health - Research Priorities for Earth Science and Public Health 2007. National Research Council and Institute of Medicine National Academies PressBuy it or read it online at here |
Essentials of Medical Geology - Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health 2005. Editors: O. Selinus, B. Alloway, J. A. Centeno, R. B. Finkelman, R. Fuge, U. Lindh, P. Smedley ElsevierThis is a fascinating reference work that will inevitably find its way into earth sciences classrooms, but also will appeal to a wider readership, including public health scientists and decision makers. Anyone looking to explore the field of medical geology will be captivated by the contents of this publication.Awards:
Essentials of Medical Geology - Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health 2005. Editors: O. Selinus, B. Alloway, J. A. Centeno, R. B. Finkelman, R. Fuge, U. Lindh, P. SmedleyChinese translation |
Medical Geology, Volume 2: Effects of Geological Environments on Human Health 2004. Editor: Miomir M. Komatina Series: Developments in Earth and Environmental SciencesThe main objective of the book Medical Geology: Effects of Geological Environments on Human Health is to show how the geological environment affects human health and to explore preventative methods for improvement.Buy it from Elsevier |
Geology and Health - Closing the Gap 2003. Editors: H.C. W. Skinner, A. R. Berger Oxford University PressGeology and Health is an integration of papers from geo-bio-chemical scientists on health issues of concern to humankind worldwide, demonstrating how the health and well-being of populations now and in the future can benefit through coordinated scientific efforts. International examples on dusts, coal, arsenic, fluorine, lead, mercury, and water borne chemicals, that lead to health effects are documented and explored. They were selected to illustrate how hazards and potential hazards may be from natural materials and processes and how anthropomorphic changes may have contributed to disease and debilitation instead of solutions.Buy it from Oxford University Press |
Environmental Medicine Editor: L. Möller Karolinska Instituet/PreventPreview or order here |
National books
Hacia el cumplimiento del Derecho Humano al Agua. Arsénico y fluoruro en agua: riesgos y perspectivas desde la sociedad civil y la academia en México. Compilación y coordinación de la edición: Luz María Del Razo, Juan Manuel Ledón y Mónica N. Velasco Coordinación de capítulos: Ma. Aurora Armienta, Ma. Catalina Alfaro de la Torre, Ma. Teresa Alarcón Herrera y Alejandra Martín Domínguez ISBN colección 978-607-30-4772-2 ISBN volumen 978-607-30-4773-9 2021, México |
Introducción a la Geología Médica 2018 Author: E. Giménez Forcada Editorial: Catarata. Colección Planeta Tierra 112 p. El primer libro sobre geología médica que se publica en español |
Medicinsk Geologi Swedish textbook in medical geology. Studentlitteratur 2010 Editor Olle Selinus |
Medical geology: current status and perspectives Russian Geological Society ROSGEO, 2010.Editor Iosif Volfson |
Workshop on Medical Geology 2004. Geological Survey of India |
Metal contaminants in New Zealand: Sources, Treatments and Effects on Ecology and Human Health 2005. Editors: T.A. Moore, A. Black, J.A. Centeno, J.S. Harding, D.A. Trumm Springer Science+Business Media |
Geologia Médica no Brasil Medical geology in Brazil - effect of geologica materials and factors on human health and environment 2007. Editors: C.R. da Silva, B.R. Figueiredo, E.M. De Capitan, F.G. da Cunha Springer Science+Business Media |
Articles available on the IMGA website
Bowman, C. A., Bobrowsky, P. T., and Selinus, O. (2003), Medical geology: new relevance in the earth sciences. Episodes 26, 270-278.
Centeno, J. A. (2000), Environmental Pathology and Medical Geology: Solving global, environmental, and health issues. The AFIP Letter 158, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC.
Centeno, J. A. et al (2000), Arsenic-Induced Lesions. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, American Registry of Pathology, Washington, DC. ISBN: 1-881041-68-9
Centeno, J. A. (2007), Health and natural hazards. Chem. Technol. 4, T41–T48.
Centeno, J. A., Finkelman, R. B. (2007), Global impacts of geogenic arsenic – A medical geology perspective.
Centeno, J. A., Finkelman, R. B., and Selinus, O. (2016), Medical Geology: Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health. Geosciences Special Issue reprint, ISBN 978-3-03842-198-6 (PDF); 978-3-03842-197-9 (Hbk).
Dissanayake, C. B. (2004), Medical Geology – a fascinating new science. Humboldt Kosmos 84, 33.
Finkelman, R. B., Centeno, J. A., and Selinus, O. (2005), Medical Geology: the emergence of a new discipline. Terrae 2, 3-8.
Finkelman, R. B., Skinner, H. C. W., Plumlee, G. S., and Bunnell, J. E. (2005), Medical Geology. Geotimes.
Selinus, O., Finkelman, R. B., and Centeno, J. A. (20--), The medical geology revolution. Tribune 5, 108-109.
Selinus, O. (2004), Medical Geology: an emerging speciality. Terrae 1, 8-15.
Singh, H. (20--), Theoretical basis for medical geology.
U.S. Geological Survey (2001), Health Effects of Toxic Organic Compounds from Coal — The Case of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (BEN). U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS–004–01, 4 pp.
Weinstein, P. and Selinus, O. (2009), Nature and medicine a breakthrough for human health. International Year of Planet Earth,
Spanish Translations
Finkelman, R. B., Skinner, H. C. W., Plumlee, G. S., and Bunnell, J. E. (2005), Geología médica. Geotimes.
Finkelman, R. B. et al, Geología Médica para un planeta en emergencia.
Singh, H. (20--), Bases Teoreticas Para La Geologia Medica.
Recent medical geology references
Borgel, L. & Schulthess, M. Tools for risk assessment of acute and chronic effects due to metal and metalloid exposition, Health and Technology, 8 (2018) 71-79.
Darbandi, M.P. & Taheri, J. Using sulfur-containing minerals in medicine: Iranian traditional documents and modern pharmaceutical terminology, Earth Sciences History, 37 (2018) 25-33.
Domingo M.G, Ferrari L., Aguas S., Alejandro F.S., Steimetz T., Sebelli P., Olmedo D.G. Oral exfoliative cytology and corrosion of metal piercings. Tissue implications. Clinical Oral Investigations. ISSN 1432-6981. Clin Oral Invest. DOI 10.1007 / s00784-018-2626-4.
Horasan, B.Y., Arik, F. Assessing heavy metal pollution in the surface soils of central Anatolia region of Turkey, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 14 (2019) 107-118.
López-Abente, G.; Locutura-Ruperez, J.; Fernandez-Navarro, P.; Martin-Mendez, I.; Bel-Lan, A.; Nunez, O. Compositional analysis of topsoil metals and its associations with cancer mortality using spatial misaligned data, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 40 (2018) 283-294.
López-Abente, G.; Nunez, O.; Fernandez-Navarro, P.; Barros-Dios, J.M.; Martin-Mendez, I.; Bel-Lan, A.; Locutura, J.; Quindos, L.; Sainz, C.; Ruano-Ravina, A. Residential radon and cancer mortality in Galicia, Spain, Science of the Total Environment, 610 (2018) 1125-1132.
Ojeda, A.S.; Ford, S.D.; Gallucci, R.M.; Ihnat, M.A.; Philp, R.P. Geochemical characterization and renal cell toxicity of water-soluble extracts from U.S. Gulf Coast lignite, Environmental geochemistry and health, (2018).
Paranagama, D.G.A.; Bhuiyan, M.A.; Jayasuriya N. Factors associated with Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) in North Central Province of Sri Lanka: a comparative analysis of drinking water samples, Applied Water Science, 8 (2018).